This is my awesome open source section. It will serve as a bookmark page to all my favorite software.
A collection of vim plugins I like to use
- nerdcommenter
- vim-colors-solarized
- vim-airline
- vim-airline-themes
- auto-pairs
- ctrlp.vim
- ctrlp-funky
- Improved-paragraph-motion
- vim-fugitive
- vim-rhubarb
- vim-surround
- vim-repeat
- undotree
- ctrlp_bdelete.vim
- incsearch.vim
- zeavim.vim
- PreserveNoEOL
- vim-colorschemes
- vim-misc
- vim-notes
- tabular
- vim-gutentags
- vim-visual-multi
- vim-closetag
- targets.vim
- vim-taskwarrior
- coc.nvim
- vim-peekaboo
- fzf
- fzf.vim
- AnsiEsc.vim
- ale
- vim-fish
- fugitive-gitlab.vim
- vim-toml
Language specific plugins
- ttyd Share your terminal over the web
- autossh Reestablish an ssh connection if it drops
- xpanes SSH and execute commands on multiple hosts simultaneously
- sampler Visualization for any shell command
- x11docker Run GUI applications in Docker or podman containers.
- dex Execute commands in a running Docker container.
- watchtower A process for automating Docker container base image updates.
- olivetin OliveTin gives safe and simple access to predefined shell commands from a web interface.
- hcledit A command line editor for HCL
- awesome selfhosted Self hosted apps
- awesome-gitops gitops tools
- tteck Proxmox tteck Proxmox helper scripts
Image and graphic design
- Exacalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.
- Drawpile - Collaborative drawing
- Krita - Great drawing software
- Inkscape - draw freely
Diagrams and task management
- markmap - markdown + mindmap
- PlantUML - UML in text
- Mermaid - Generate diagrams from markdown-like text.
- logseq A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge sharing and management.
- vikunja The to-do app to organize your life.
Productivity and cli tools
- Pet CLI Snipper Manager
- z jump around directories
- fd faster find replacement
- fdupes find duplicate files
- pup html processor
- fzf commanline fuzzy finder
- netmon Firefox addon to monitor network traffic
- ranger Console file manager with VI key bindings
- lf Terminal file manager written in Go
- dust du + rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive.
- ncdu NCurses Disk Usage
- jq a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- yq portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor
- jc Library and tool that converts output of popular cli tools to JSON
- htmlq Like jq, but for HTML
- csvquote Smart and simple CSV processing on the command line
Media Servers and utilities
- Jellyfin The free Software Media System
- PhotoPrism Google photos alternative
- minidlna Aka ReadyMedia server
- youtube-dl A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
- ffmpeg A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
- paperless-ngx scan, index and archive all your physical documents